Dreaming Dangerously: a story-journey through Latin America

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Latin America: a land of light and laughter where magic is part of the daily dance. Also a
land where darkness haunts the jungles and fear roams the mountains, and some stories must be told in whispers. Dangerous stories. Where just telling them is an act of revolution.
From legends to literature to personal experiences growing up in what was once the most dangerous city in the world, this 1.5-hour performance weaves together stories of hope, darkness, and the power of words, told (in English) by a travelling storyteller from Colombia.
Juliana Marin (@AchiraStories) is a nomadic professional storyteller from Colombia who
travels the world scattering stories like seeds. Collected from all over the world, Achira’s
stories may break your heart or knit it back together, but they’ll always make you think.
Raum: Großer Saal E01+Foyer
Veranstaltende*r: Kumar Barua
Eintritt: frei, Spenden erwünscht
Kontakt: kubar98@yahoo.com