Dienstag 16.07.2019
19:30 - 22:00 Uhr
Being Norwegian – A one act play in English by David Greig
Sean meets Lisa and they go back to his place. They share an awkward evening where it becomes clear that Lisa has some surprising ideas about where she comes from and that Sean has a secret from his past which he isn’t dealing with. Eventually, Lisa makes her romantic intentions clear and Sean doesn’t handle it well. Tempers flare, but once things have calmed down between them, they find common ground and move forward together.
Veranstaltungsort: EineWeltHaus München, Schwanthalerstr. 80, 80336 MünchenRaum: Großer Saal E01
Veranstaltende*r: Daniel Beaver
Eintritt: Frei
Kontakt: danielbeaver@hotmail.co.uk